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It only takes a day

I had the most wonderful trip to Florence, but being the greedy girl I am, I needed something more. Yesterday I got it.

I got to spend a day with my lovely Master.

I have said before that we live some hundred miles apart and getting together isn’t always as easy as we would both like. Ideally we spend at least a night or two together, but this week that just wasn’t going to happen. So given that he was off work and I am still between jobs, there was an opportunity to grab a day. Even as I was on my way and was held up in traffic while hubby was expressing his anger at my sudden action, I considered turning around and going home. But I kept going and I wasn’t disappointed.

Somehow He is great at measuring my mood (why am I so surprised?) It progressed like this: Cup of tea, walk by the sea, then upstairs to submit to Him.

While I drank my tea we exchanged news, mine obviously was about my trip, but more urgently about my engagements with hubby since I returned. My relationship with my husband is becoming ever more complicated – I will write about this over the weekend; I will have the time and he is away.

It was a beautiful morning, sunny and warm, though a little breezy (and cool if you were out of the sun), it was also a very clear day. Local school children were busy on a little field trip; some of them even surveyed me about my view of the beach and sea. Then, cobwebs cleared, we returned home to Sir’s.

Lying on His bed in my stockings, suspenders and heels, He stroked my clit and pussy before putting the various (nipple and clit) clamps on me. Then, on my hands and knees, He produced the riding crop. Yes he spanked me with it, but briefly. He teased, running it around my thighs, bottom, clit and pussy and then he pushed the handle end into me, twirling it round inside. I was ready to burst in just a few minutes. His fingers found my clit; almost too much to cope with so quickly!

He was determined to possess me quickly and very soon His cock was inside me. I love anal sex and yes that was what he wanted. He wanted to claim me in a way no other man has and that is what he did. I was His.

Did I say it only takes a day? Try a couple of hours!

More to follow….

2 thoughts on “It only takes a day”

  1. Hi L, thanks for your kind words – yes, ultimately both will have to be sorted out. Finding the right path is just a little tricky on all counts. Hope things are improving in your world xx

  2. Joolz…just catching up again! firstly I have to say sorry to hear you have been caught up in the restructures that seem to be sweeping our two worlds (professionally speaking).
    Secondly, your world with Sir is so simple and so centering for you while your world with hub is complex and tumultuous.
    I hope you find your way on all counts.
    xx L

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