“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” -Abraham Lincoln
Last summer I turned 60. For most of the life of this blog, I was a woman in her 50’s. It was a decade of change but one of fun and joy. While embracing new experiences and living life in a way I’d been unable to before, it was almost possible to forget the aging process.
60 though feels a bit different. It’s not that I and we aren’t still doing great and fun things. Far from it. As I sit here I have a pretty full calendar for the next few months. I’m finishing work again in a month, we’re off on holiday straight after. Plus there are weekends away, including this one. There is Eroticon around the corner too, after a 4 year break. But age right now feels like a real thing in a way it didn’t before.
My skin is pretty good, but I can see it changing. My body is reasonably supple but it aches and creaks ion a way it didn’t before. But my hands are starting to look like an old person’s hands, with unwelcome lumps and bumps growing over them. It’s just as well as I have a new wedding ring, as none of my old rings fits me.
Course a new ring also means a new husband and I am grateful to be starting married life again in our 60’s. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really grateful to be living the fabulous life I am. But getting up the energy to enjoy it suddenly takes a little more effort than it used to. It’s worth it of course, but pacing ourselves has become the order of the day, week and month.
During this Blogging A-Z month of April, I may again return to this theme.
I said the same about my hands looking old to my daughter earlier today. That I do not like at all. So much for grow old gracefully. haha
It’s always a shock to realise you don’t look as you feel or sound. Mirrors are best avoided, I find!