Sinful Sunday is 600 weeks old. This year I managed to host a meme for 14 weeks, not all of them consecutive. I’m in awe of Molly who has hosted Sinful Sunday for 600 weeks in a row.
But not just that. Sinful Sunday is about celebrating so much of what the blogging community is about. Body and sex positivity, celebrating difference and respecting the individuality of the human form.
My first Sinful Sunday was this one in 2016. Back then I was just beginning to have the confidence to share images of myself on my blog. I tried to show elements of my life as a new slave, but without showing features that might identify me. By that I of course mean my face. Back then I worried about the imperfections of my body and showing them too. But with a Master and often photographer who seemed to love me for them rather than despite them, I learned to love what he saw just that little bit.
Looking back, I can hardly believe how I thought my body wasn’t beautiful and worth showing. Of course I had no idea what was in store for me and for it, which is just as well.
Fast forward to the image above, taken in the bedroom of our new house in France. A request to flash as I emerged from the bathroom, which I duly complied with. Today I share all of me, face and imperfections. Damn it my body has been through some trauma this past 4 years. But those healed wounds and scars make me all the more proud to be part of the weekly event that is Sinful Sunday.
Because it is Molly and those who participate and who visit the pages of those who take part that have encouraged me on. Who have congratulated me on sharing my body, imperfections and all. It seems only right to proudly share all of me with all of you. Congratulations Molly and Thank you.
Love your body, thanks for sharing.
I absolutely LOVE this picture of you. And thank you for being part of this community, for sharing your images and thoughts with us and also for being my friend.
Beautiful … wonderful … lovely … sexy fun !!!
Xxx – K
Amazing post – words and photos!
This is an incredible, powerful, sexy image and well done for getting to the point of celebrating your body.
Being able to celebrate your body is so powerful.