They were looking a little lonely. Those first, early daffodils now trying to bloom in our garden. So, I decided to keep them company for a little while. It was late in the afternoon of a sunny, winter’s day. So the yellow flowers were looking downwards. But I think you’ll agree these early daffodils are a sight that tells you that spring isn’t too far away.
Brilliant – love the daffs and it is just fab u are sharing these photos. You look amazing xx
Oh I have a few on the front garden too and some pretty crocus, yay for the 1st signs of spring
Ooo the thought of being outside naked at the moment makes me shiver but you are wearing the look perfectly. You look gorgeous and spring is definitely on its way where you are 🙂
Great photo and you look fabulous 😊🌼
I like the attitude that goes with this image, get to have a good look at your collar too.
Love it when the daffs start appearing – can see you do too!! 💛
My crocuses are just starting, too. I don’t have enough privacy in my yard to highlight them in such a wonderful way, though.
We are lucky. Though I did check the neighbours weren’t sitting in their conservatory!
It’s so good to see spring is on its way! Yay for sun and longer days, and yay for sexy images like this one!
Rebel xox
Aww, how kind of you to keep the lonely daffodils some company, hehe. This is a fantastic picture, and I love the happy smile on your face.
Soon it will be here – I love daffs x
I’m sure you brought them joy . . . as your posts always do !!!
Xxx – K
I love the spring like smirk you have too. Just giving a hint of things to come.
Missy x
So bright and happy! We welcome spring
It’s lovely to see the first signs of spring, and wonderful of you to share such candid pictures Julie to cheer us all up! You look so relaxed – I’d be a shivering mass of goosbumps – wonderful shot.
Hehe! This feels a little cheeky.
Beautiful optimistic and fun shot Julie, the daffodils aren’t half bad either – I love when they bloom and the promise of the determination of spring is evident, it’s really uplifting x
Great image. I hope that the daffodils have been holding up through Storm Dennis!