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My laptop has been playing up big time and that has put me off of blogging so much recently. Coupled with a blog that spent as much time down as up this weekend and it is no wonder I have been absent. But my blog host has rebuilt their server and I have a new MacBook on order. The one I’m using now is over 6 years old and I think it may well be on it’s last legs.

We completed my tax return for the last tax year last week and I am due a reasonably large rebate. Big enough to allow for the extravagance of another Apple product! Anyway I digress from the main frustrations of life.

Weight loss

Friday was weigh day and I had lost 1lb. Despite filing my face with spinach, tomatoes and other salad stuff all week that is. Maybe looking back one or two bad habits had slipped back in (i.e more than one glass of wine), so that will be rectified this week. But anyway a loss is just that and I plough on.


The weather last week was terrible. For several days it rained almost constantly, so although I walked to the pool on Tuesday my step count was down considerably. So, I have downloaded a fitness app and am now exercising 2-3 times a week in doors. The exercises so far seem good because I can feel them later, though have recovered the next day. Tomorrow is Tuesday and I plan to walk and swim again.


So, just when I thought I wouldn’t be working this side of autumn I have a project to do. I’m reviewing some health services the other side of London for the next few weeks before we go to France. This is going to involve much time at the computer (hence the decision to buy the new laptop). It will also mean a night or two away, which will be worth it for getting things done quickly and not spending too much time driving. This week I am planning everything and will be out and about next week. Then I’ll take some of my holiday time to write up the report. As it’s through and agency I’ll be getting paid weekly and that is a great bonus.


Last week I saw one of the surgeons, they alternate with the oncologists. He seemed pretty happy with progress which was great. I am due my first annual mammogram in October which will be a landmark event. My plastic surgery appointment about the reconstruction is in September, so I am now free from health appointments for the summer.

So that is my FFF, late again. Other contributors can be found on Fondle’s blog here.

3 thoughts on “General frustrations”

  1. Good that you have the summer ‘off’ from medical visits, Julie … and yay for you on the weight loss (every lb counts :>)) … and the exercise. You should let Fondles know you’re doing the FFF … she’ll include you in her Fit for Friday update posts :>)) … nj

  2. It’s great that you have a run without having a stack of medical appointments, and wonderful news that you’re progressing well. And many happy congratulations on the new computer ??

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