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Encouraging growth

This photo was taken a few weeks ago when my tomato plants were tiny. They are probably 5 times the size now and just about to flower. I know a lot of us are struggling with inspiration and purpose right now.

12 or more weeks into lock down we wonder what the point is. How can our little part of the universe matter when disease, prejudice and hate prevails. The world as we knew it has changed. The status quo is gone.

But maybe out of this mess and chaos we can rebuild. Like the tomato plants we can grow a new, a fresh.

The sex blogging community has changed beyond recognition. We have been angry and we have mourned. But I think now is time to move into a new period. One of growth.

I think this is what I need to concentrate on now. Helping us (and of course me) to remove and to grow. Join me to encourage growth in those around us. Start by clicking on the lips below and going to at least one other blogger’s Sinful Sunday post. Show them you care, promote their work and lets rise up again.

10 thoughts on “Encouraging growth”

  1. I love this image. It looks like your are giving them an encouraging talk.

    And like you I have really struggled with, what is the point, battles with myself in so many ways but it seems I am still here and still going and whilst the last few months have been more than I can really put into words I think I have learned a lot and grown and evolved too and I have hope for the future in so many ways.


  2. For the most part not much has changed, I’m with someone and still working ALL the hours but without the stress of an office or commute.

    But the community has changed beyond belief, it gives us a good chance to evolve into something far more positive and inclusive.

  3. I love this post. The photo of you encouraging your tomatoes is brilliant, and your words made me smile. I do hope that we can learn and grow from all of this.

  4. I wanted to plant tomatoes on my balcony but I sort of forgot and now it is late. So I am jealous! This is a lovely picture, and yes, growth and moving forward is the best we can do, because being stuck in negative feelings will eventually eat anyone up. Lovely image 🙂

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