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Someone holding half an avocado in their hand. Other pieces of avocado can be seen.

I’ve participated in the Blogging A-Z four times previously on my other (NSFW) blog. And am doing so again this year. But I thought it would be fun to also participate here. This may turn into a mad and rash act. But here goes. For day 1 I’m talking about avocados.

I have loved eating avocados since I first discovered them in the late 70’s / early 80’s. My first experience was in a restaurant. The avocado was halved, the stone removed and the hole filled with a prawn cocktail mix. Next I moved onto the delights of Guacamole. During those carefree pre-diet years I ate avocados most summers and maybe around Christmas. Since they are imported they weren’t always cheap and worse, they didn’t always ripen as they should.

But as soon as I began to diet through slimming clubs, I was told that the avocado should be avoided at all costs. You see, even though the calorific value isn’t too high (114 calories for half and avocado) the total fat was deemed too much for a slimmer. So, I believed what I was told and gave them up.

Now, it turns out that the fat content isn’t actually bad because avocados don’t contain saturated fat. They are also very low in carbohydrates. At Slimming World we still have to syn them. But since I am following my own version based on a lower carbohydrate and processed food diet, I have returned to the avocado.

So, over the past few months I’ve been buying them most weeks and putting them in my salads. I actually find I prefer them not messed about with. So other then a little olive oil on my salad I don’t need any other topping. But I do still love guacamole. I reckon I need to think about making some myself soon.

Blogging A-Z A

5 thoughts on “Blogging A-Z Avocados”

  1. I had never had avocado until a few years ago, but found I love them too. I often just cut a wedge to eat while fixing my regular meal.

    Great start to the challenge! I had ‘avocado’ as one of my choices for my ‘A’ post today too, but opted for something different.

    ~ Marie Anne

  2. I love avocados! I grew up with them, as we even made our own version of guacamole and ate it on bread. It’s SO good. Also it was always added to a tossed salad, and I just love to eat it just like it is, with salt and pepper. And with the LCHF diet, of course I can eat avocados for my fat intake 😉

    Rebel xox

  3. I have texture issues, so avocado is kind of a “no thanks” thing for me. My husband loves to put guacamole on his tacos though and generally will eat avocado with his Mexican dishes.

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