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2021 – Week 1

Welcome to my weekly journal entry. This is where I plan to write about my progress towards a slimmer, fitter and healthier me. So week 1.

Week 1 review

Weigh in day is now Thursday which means that today was my first of the year. I lost 1.5lb and am really pleased to say that I weigh half a pound less than I did before Christmas. I am also about the same weight I was this time last year. This means I am really motivated to keep on going because between January and March last year I managed to lose almost a stone.

This week I made some lovely broccoli soup. Home made soup is so easy to make, just put a bunch of veg into a pan with water or stock and cook for 10-15 minutes then blend. I tend to adjust seasons after I’ve done that. I had half a tub of lighter cream cheese which I added in and it made it really creamy. On day 2 I added a little blue cheese which made it even better.

Last night I tried a new recipe from the Slimming World Fresh Start book we were given before Christmas. It was a chicken, leek and mushroom pie. But with a difference. Instead of pastry the topping was grated potato. I also added some grated cheese and mixed with an egg yolk before putting on top of the chicken mix. No photo as I forgot, but I will get in the swing of things and include at least one recipe with photos on this weekly post going forward. I plan to try new recipes to mix things up a bit, so will be on the look out for more to try.

Looking forward to next week

I haven’t done my measurements yet, so will need to do that. Mainly I’ll be comparing them to last year for now. I am keen to get rid of the tummy that seems to have grown over the months!

One of my biggest problems is going off the rails a bit at weekend – 4 or 5 days of healthy eating ruined by 2 days of eating anything and everything and drinking too much wine. This weekend I’m planning on being more mindful and careful of what passes my lips. More on that next week.

Next week I am starting a new job and will need to travel to work. I haven’t worked outside the house for over 2 years (other than a few meetings during some of my projects) so it is going to be strange. This weekend I will plan my lunches for next week. as I want to keep on track.

I haven’t done much exercise this week. I’ve heeded the government’s Stay Home message. But I’ll have to walk to and from wherever I park the car next week and will see how I can use that to help me get a bit more exercise. Again I’ll report back on that.

So interms of general goals week 1 has gone well. I’ve blogged here and on my other blog and have been keeping up with my planning. I’ve kept on track diet wise and lost weight. Onwards!

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