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January 2022 – Week 2

A sun set across the sea and towards the hills in the distance. The sky and sun are red, as is some of the sea.

Another positive week and I’m beginning to believe I really can do this and what’s more sustain the changes.

In week 2 I lost another 2.5lb bringing my total weight loss to 5.5lb and taking me under my original start weight. In terms of dry January I’m on day 14, helped along by the fact G is doing it with me. So, I’ve not had to sit at dinner while he drinks wine and I drink water. Having said that, my mum did so on Friday when I was with her, but that’s a whole other story. I’m not passing any judgements since she just does what she wants the entire time anyway.

I’ve not been doing the yoga, but really want to get back to it tomorrow. I’ve lost the habit for it before I really had it and do want to give it longer before I search for something else. Today I’ve been swimming and had a good workout from that.

I’ve said before, but intermittent fasting is really simple when you stop taking in calories at around 8pm and I’m determined to keep going because I really do think it helps. In terms of carbs, I’m trying to have them once a day only. Plus to eat plenty of vegetables (or salad) at all meals.

The big test with all of this will come when we don’t spend every evening at home. But for the coming week nothing will change.

My aim next week is to get into the next stone bracket which would require a 3lb loss. It’s strange, but I never previously thought I could consistently lose more than a pound or maybe 2 a week, but maybe I can.

So, onwards to week 3.

The photo above is from France. Posted in celebration of the fact that we have booked our ferry to France in early May. This will be specifically to put the apartment on the market and to look for something bigger. This year really does feel like it’s going to be a good one. More next week.

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