I’m out of new and original photos for February Photofest. So, some effort will be required to generate the 6 photos needed to make it to the finish line. Make that 5, because I snapped this image of myself enjoying my lazy Sunday morning in bed.
I’m out of new and original photos for February Photofest. So, some effort will be required to generate the 6 photos needed to make it to the finish line. Make that 5, because I snapped this image of myself enjoying my lazy Sunday morning in bed.
Well snapped Julie – very sensual image x
Well Sunday mornings are for relaxing, I’m sure the inspiration for the rest of your photos will come.
Definitely a fun Sunday photo 😊
And a lovely image it is. Yay for lazy Sunday mornings 🙂
Rebel xox
You can do it!
A delightfully nipplecious piercing !!!
Xxx – K
That is a great snapshot! I am running out of ideas too, but we can make it to the finishline. We can do eeeet.
The best kind of mornings! always love a picture featuring a nipple and a piercing!
Your curves and shapes in this are fantastic. It’s really sensual too and the intimacy of the shot comes across 😊
I’d say still going strong to the finish line!
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