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TMI Tuesday: Sexiness

1. What type of clothes make you feel sexy? 
a. a specially selected casual outfit
b. lingerie or silky pajamas
c. elegant, dressy evening clothes
d. anything that leaves me almost naked

I love to wear a low cut evening dress, perhaps with no underwear. Trouble is, to get the cleavage right often a bra is necessary, though this too can of course be sexy. But also being almost naked is very sexy and something I know Master likes a lot. So a harness, sexy lingerie, under bust corset for example. 

2. Which do you prefer?
a. pillow talk
b. sexy texting
c. love notes

Pillow talk. I love lying in bed in the mornings chatting and one thing leading to another – sex usually. The written word is nice, especially early on in a relationship, but right now I’d take pillow talk any day.

3. Which do you do best?
a. pillow talk
b. sexting
c. writing love notes

I’m not massively adventurous and tend to rely on him to take the lead. But I have my moments and could engage in any or all 3. Pillow talk still wins though.

4. You been granted just ONE of the following in your favorite city/place in the world. Which would you choose and why?
a. 24 hours of romance
b. 24 hours of lust (intense, overwhelming sexual desire but not acted upon mixed with enthusiasm for life)
c. 24 hours of sex

24 hours of lust. Romance is fine, but it has to go somewhere other than hearts, flowers and a romantic meal. Sex for 24 hours would be knackering. So, yes lust please. 

5. How do you tap into your sexiness?

A soapy bath, perhaps a glass of something cool and fizzy. Putting on sexy clothes or something Master chooses. Otherwise reading something sexy or kinky. Failing all of that, there are always toys that buzz!

Bonus: Which is better–your digital sex life or your in-the-flesh sex life?

Definitely real life. The digital stuff is good for getting to know people, but can’t replace what happens in real life. 


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!Posted in TMI Tuesday| Tagged blog, dating, erotic, fantasy, fetish, fill-in, fun, holiday, humor, kink, life, love, lust, marriage, masturbate, meme, naked, orgasm, party, pleasure, query, questions, relationships, romance, secrets, sex, sexiness, sexy, TMI, tmi questions, Tmi Tuesday, TMI Tuesday blog, tmituesday, tmituesdayblog, too much information, Tuesday, Tuesday meme, twitter, vacation| Leave a comment

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