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A love of books

Me lying on a bed wearing a flimsy top reading a book.

This is an old image and I don’t know if I’ve used it before, but it’s the only one I could find with me holding a book!

Ever since I was a young child I have loved books. I was an early reader and the fact my mum preferred reading to us than doing stuff around the house helped. Well with reading anyway, but that’s another story. I’d spend my pocket money on a book and loved to receive all kinds of books for Christmas and birthdays.

My Five Things about books:

  • I still have many of my childhood books and they are well thumbed indeed. Enid Blyton’s Secret Seven and then Famous Five. Five Children and it, Heidi. Too many to mention really. Later some more serious books like biography of Helen Keller and Anne Frank’s diary. I also once won a book as a writing prize.
  • There are fewer of my early adult books. I know I read some Jilly Cooper and Jackie Collins in my 20’s. But that time was also taken up with reading nursing books and articles. It’s not always easy to fit in reading for pleasure when you are working or studying.
  • I’ve also kept some of the books my son didn’t want to take with him. Of course, he took most of the best ones, but they were his. Roald Dahl books were some of his favourites along with Harry Potter, because he was a boy of that generation. One of my favourites of his though was Hello, is anybody there? by Josten Gaarder. A magical book we read many times.
  • We have limited space for books and these days I mainly read books on my kindle. This is for convenience only and it means I can take lots of books on holiday without having to carry them. It also means I can easily pick up a book on the train etc. But sometimes, like now, I get the desire to buy real books.
  • My nan gave me a book that she owned as a child, I think it came from a jumble sale as it has someone else’s name in. But it is a prized possession as it was of her’s. It was published in 1910. I ought to re-read it!
A book titled Pretty girl and the others by LT Meade.

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