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Creating drama and the role of alcohol

It’s been a strange weekend. Busy in an unusual way. Straight after my slimming world weigh in on Friday   But because my car is in the garage I took the train. Then Saturday I took another train that took me straight into Kings Cross, for an afternoon matinée.

Having not had alcohol between Sunday night and Thursday I drank on all 3 days over the weekend. Friday, just one glass with dinner at my mums. Saturday I broke my fast with wine – not recommended – in a pub near the theatre. Then had more wine with dinner at around 6pm. That was actually fine because I drank no more that evening and had quite an early evening. Food, tapas was pretty good too as I swerved most of the available carbs and ate most of the salad.

On the way home, tired and a little drunk I saw that a fellow blogger is starting a monthly meme not dissimilar to the one I have planned here. I admit to slightly over reacting.

Then yesterday I had wine with lunch, more at an event we went to in the afternoon and more with dinner and after. Too much wine. It was like my brain was telling me to drink a weeks worth in a night!. Thankfully I stopped, or we ran out. But not before I was having a full dramatic melt down (internally and on twitter).

Damn I was ashamed of myself this morning. There is plenty room for both of our memes and anyway (and as was pointed out) they aren’t the same. So, to progress.

Weigh in

I weighed a bit more on the slimming world scales than at home. But had lost 2.5lb. I’m relieved to say I haven’t put weight on over the weekend. Over all my food was fine, it was the wine. I’m now back on the waggon and have some thinking to do about my drinking habits.

Alcohol and me

Damn I like it. I absolutely can leave it, but like with many things it is all or nothing. I’m the same with crisps, nuts, chocolate…. Trouble is that G drinks wine with dinner and I’m fine with sparkling water for a few nights but then really fancy a glass of wine. So, I’ll just have to be more mindful.


The good thing about not drinking is that I can close my eating window early. Actually I managed to do that anyway over the weekend as we didn’t drink late. This means I can either eat earlier the next day or fast longer. So, win win.

Food plan for the week

I’m reintroducing some carbs, but am going to make sure I eat wholemeal and only small amounts. But where possible I’m going to leave them out. I need to get my head round phase 2 of Zoe’s diet. This involves not eating carbs in the same meal as fat (i.e. meat or fish or cheese). This is going to take some working out. Meanwhile I’ll continue with phase 1.


I plan no more drama!

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