That would probably be my iPhone. I recently got an upgrade from my old fashioned 3s and now have a 5s. I love it, and probably fiddle with it too much during any given day.
I also like to have a note book and pen and now I commute, a book to read.
Master is pretty much constantly on my mind right now, but then why wouldn’t He be? I am also giving quite a bit of thought to the other person in His life.
For my caring nature, I hope. I would hate all of the effort I have gone to in loving, nurturing and caring would be wasted.
That I could never be involved in a truly long distance relationship. I would hate the difficulties with time differences and couldn’t cope without the physical interactions of a real time relationship.
That the final break with hubby will be incredibly painful. Despite everything that has happened and the knowledge of what needs to happen in the future, the day we go our separate ways physically will be sad. But for my own happiness I know in my heart I am doing the right thing.
Increasingly, yes I am. That is because perception and reality are beginning to merge.
I would like to say today since part of what I promise Master is to focus and especially to focus on my working day. But He and I are off to Lisbon on Sunday and I would rather focus on that.
Oreos are not something I eat often. I try to keep away from such things as I am always watching my weight. But when I have eaten them it would need to be c. Twist it open, eat the frosting, then eat each chocolate half separately. You have to savour a treat don’t you?————