Blogging A-Z Challenge 2021: Vulva and Vagina
Why both vulva and vagina? Well because people get the names wrong. Also why vulva and vagina? Because I want to talk about how I’m… Read More »Blogging A-Z Challenge 2021: Vulva and Vagina
Why both vulva and vagina? Well because people get the names wrong. Also why vulva and vagina? Because I want to talk about how I’m… Read More »Blogging A-Z Challenge 2021: Vulva and Vagina
I’ve never had the highest of sex drives. But my libido has definitely been affected by the menopause. When I embarked on this journey I… Read More »Blogging A-Z Challenge: Libido and Menopause
I have mostly just mentioned my menopause in passing. There certainly aren’t many times when I have tagged the word. But this post makes reference.… Read More »Elaborate – Menopause take 2