2024 was by far my worst year for writing and blogging since time began almost 12 years ago. Maybe it’s a sign that this is my first post since September. Or maybe the fact I’m here on January 1st 2025 is a different one. I have this place, I pay for it to still be here and so I should use it. For sure I have stuff to say, I’ve just been too busy doing other stuff or too lazy to say it. Or maybe a combination of both. 2024 wasn’t actually a bad year, in fact it was pretty good as years go. Hopefully 2025 will be the same or at least similar.
Looking back on 2024
We’ve travelled to the same places (mainly France) and also different places; Prague, Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest were particular highlights. But also we journeyed through France in a different way and saw some new places there too.
I took part in a Cross Stitch ‘sitchalong’ or SAL which was fun but actually took up much of the time I might have blogged. It was a big piece (about 67000 stitches) that needed to be finished by December (otherwise it would languish unfinished) to claim the prizes of more cross stitch patterns I’ll probably never even attempt. It’s not the patterns that cost the money but the cotton threads. But that hasn’t stopped me. This year I’m going to be stitching a temperature chart, well two actually – one for home and one for our French home. This hopefully won’t prove too onerous because I have a job.
I’ve read a few books, again I’ve been too busy with the stitching to focus as much as I’d like like. But I am a member of two book clubs. One in person run by the lovely Molly and another online with fellow foreigners abroad in France.
Yep, last month I reentered the NHS workforce. Doing more of what I did before but in a different area. The money will be handy because I do love to spend it. But also it is fun and interesting to be back engaging with NHS folk again and hopefully doing some good. Weirdly it might help me to want to blog again as I used to find it a nice distraction from meetings and reports.
The most important thing that happened was the birth of my little grandson. He’s 5 months old now and really developing and growing quickly. He is a joy as is seeing his parents enjoying him.I absolutely love seeing them all.
So to the future
Our life isn’t filled with kink and there is very little in the way of M/s or any kind of power dynamic. Well not most of the time. Our sex life has waned somewhat and †hat’s when any M/s dynamic will show up. We’re off to France for a couple of weeks next month and to be honest that’s the place where we have more sex. Plus we do more of the fun things we used to, including taking pictures. Some might show up here, you never know. I want to do more of the things I like; read, stitch travel, be with my grandson and socialise with friends and family. All of these will be my focus around work which I think will continue for much of this year. Plus I’m going to try to blog. More frequently and with greater quality. Photos are great but lately I was using them as a way of saying I’d actually blogged. But looking back it doesn’t seem very satisfactory. Anyway, no promises but let’s see what happens.