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Sinful Sunday 238 / 700

This weekend is the 700th edition of Sinful Sunday hosted by my lovely friend Molly of Molly’s Daily Kiss. I am totally in awe of this amazing achievement and so happy to be here with my contribution. Considering how little I’ve posted over the past couple of years this is my 238th Sinful Sunday. post.

I'm sitting in a hotel bath with a mirrored silver dial under which the. water flows. This has enabled me to photograph myself in. the bath. A mirror image with a difference you. could say. I'm naked and you. can see my. body but not may face since that's hidden by my phone.

If you care to look, my first contribution was on November 5th 2016. Such a lot has happened since then, I can hardly remember the person I even was! But Taking this photo earlier this week I was reminded of the thrill I used to get in planning what to post to this meme. So, maybe, just maybe I can ease myself back in.

Many of my Sinful Sunday offerings have some from my and our travels. This week, I was staying in a hotel with my mum while she had some work done on her bungalow. As usual the time together wasn’t an entire joy and It meant being away from home and G. But it did lend itself to this quirky image using the little mirrored dial thing from which the bathwater emerges. I’m sure we weren’t this sophisticated back in 2016!

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