When I’m travelling, I like to keep a hand written diary of the places we visit and things we do. This is partly because I tend to forget some of the finer details of towns and cities, churches, castles etc. But also it’s a great record to look back on and links nicely to the numerous photos I tend to take.
I also share my travels with friends and family on Facebook which forms another kind of diary. I start a new photo album at the beginning of the trip and then post daily or more often if we do something particularly special. I have to admit to sharing pictures of food, but only again if it was something special. Apparently my friends love my photos from trips, or so they tell me.
Of course this blog is also something of a diary. I’ve been posting here, or on previous incarnations of my blog for 11 years now. Postings are down somewhat this past couple of years as I feel I’ve said most of what I need to and my life is much more settled now. But again it’s great to look back to see how life has progressed.