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Pierced nipple

My left breast and nipple practically fill the screen. There is my underarm and a little tummy. But most is boob. My nipple is pierced and there is a half ring in place with a bar through the nipple.

It’s almost unbelievable to think that my nipple has been pierced for 10 years in April. I wrote about it here. I have lots of nipple jewellery but I am extremely lazy about changing it. The pleasure I used to get from anything to do with my breasts and nipples has diminished, if not completely disappeared. It is a sad thing to say but it really has never been the same since my mastectomy took my other breast.

That’s not to say I can’t get aroused from stimulation, I can. But it is different. Of course I’m older, have lost tone and my sex drive in general isn’t what it was. But I definitely think there is a correlation.

That said, I’m still proud of this pierced nipple and the breast on which it sits.

4 thoughts on “Pierced nipple”

  1. Great piercing! My nips are not pierced but I wear a pair of snuggly fitted rings on my nips – they are about 3/4″ long and the rings are well embedded at their base. Tugging on them made them longer…

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