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One of those shower pictures

I'm naked in the shower, left boob closest. I have a big left boob with piercing. The right one is small, with a scar around the cup - it's formed from my skin and tummy fat. Also in view is my tummy and a little of my mons.

I’m just back from my mum’s having been to do my post holiday visit. She has one of those large walk in showers that lend themselves to one of those, or one of these shower pictures. So this was grabbed this morning. Pretty much half way though February Photofest, I missed but 13 images posted. This is quite something if you look at my stats over the past year, or even two.

For the first time in a very long time, I travelled without my laptop. Call me old fashioned but I really find posting to my. blog difficult without. I know plenty people manage easily with just a phone, but I struggled with a phone and tablet. Anyway back home and on the laptop, yippee.

I know this meme is all about the images, but I do like to say something from time to time and I found typing too much as well as posting a photo just a bridge too far. Anyhow, something about this image.

Quite often, especially with a frontal image it’s possible to minimise the difference between my two boobs. In this one though I’ve managed to eccentuate it. I’m actually not in the least bothered, because having only had one boob for 3.5 years I’m most proud to have two again. What’s more, it’s all my own skin and flesh. I’ve come to love the feel of it even though I have no actual feeling in it. However it’s firm and round and a damned good shape. Master has also got very used to it and I think I can safely say he is very happy with the way it’s turned out.

I had been planning some extra plastic surgery, well it was offered. The surgeon was going to tidy up the loose fat and skin under my right arm. But at the 11th hour, I decided that enough was enough. So now I’ll be thinking seriously about the tattoo I want. I’m minded to find someone experienced in tattooing people who have had breast surgery. Partly because of the lack of sensation but also because of the way in which everything now fits together (or doesn’t). Anyway, I’ll be sharing progress with that here. Meantime, I give you one of those shower pictures

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