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Looking and seeing

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

I am standing naked on a balcony, hands resting on the railing. I am sideways on and you can see my breasts, arms and tummy. Across the street is the remains of an ancient arena.

While away on holiday we took a night away to the Historic City of Arles. Master has a habit of finding us amazing places to stay and this little airbnb was no exception. Our balcony faced the Arena, a major tourist attraction now used for bull fighting. Thankfully not that weekend though.

I stand here after my shower in the morning looking at the Arena and along the street that runs along between the row of buildings we are in and the ancient monument. I watched people strolling with their dogs, walking along in search of morning coffee and people already up in the arena. I’d wager that most of them (or indeed perhaps none) wouldn’t have seen me. But also, I looked at the building having walked around and inside it the day before. As I. looked I was thinking of all of the people who, for hundreds of years have visited and lived in this place. Of the people enjoying the local bars the previous evening as we sat enjoying some wine on that balcony. Wherever you travel life goes on around you. Seeing and not just looking is such an important part oof travel. Of course, Master’s view is always a little different to mine. As is what he sees.

7 thoughts on “Looking and seeing”

  1. Yes absolutely. I have noticed with taking outdoor pictures that people are actually stunning unobservant. I can’t tell you the amount of times people have failed to notice me just off the path in the woods


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