I can’t deny that this month’s Sinful Sunday prompt has caused me some angst. Producing a collage of images doesn’t sound hard, but merging them into one is a whole different game. I spent far too long on YouTube videos this morning within ending up with anything I could use. Thankfully there are fabulously talented people out there on twitter. So, thanks to Exposing40 I have something to share. This is a view of our happy place with a shot of my bum superimposed.
From our terrace in France, we have an amazing view of the village. This was taken as a storm was brewing, so the colours are all the more pronounced. The photo of my bottom was taken a few days later, but I think the colours merge together nicely. Definitely. work in progress for this stuff. But I’ll probably try again soon.
SI like it, I think the colours work and your top definitely has slightly stormy colours
I think the colours blend perfectly,