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Looking back to a year of blogging 2022

A photo of my top half, complete with reconstructed right breast. I'm smiling.

In terms of total posts and words, 2022 was a good one. 123 posts and 56k words, so not too shoddy. But essentially I wrote pretty much all of those words in the first half of the year. More recent posts have been photos and a few words. As I have been saying for months, I’ve been short on brain space and have been tired by the year that was 2022. Maybe all this is put more into perspective by the fact that both 2020 and 2021 contained great periods of nothingness. I don’t want to return to those days, but neither do I want 2023 to be like last year. Of course, since we’ve done many of the most stressful things now, that is unlikely. Anyway, onto the review.

Most viewed posts

Seven of the ten most viewed posts on my blog were written before 2022. Some of them quite a few years ago. They are as follows:

There is an obvious theme with the chastity posts. From the first kink of the week post back in 2018 I’ve had a little bit of an obsession with female chastity. This has only been encouraged by the viewing stats. Actually, I’ve written a follow up for the top post – A weekend in a chastity belt and will be posting that soon.

The post I’m most proud of for this year is the one I wrote about my breasts and my reconstruction surgery. Other than the wedding this was the most significant event of 2022, in some ways more so. So, to achieve some. recognition for the post was an honour and a privilege.

That post was one of the winners in the category awards for the 100 Sex Blogs of 2022. I am very grateful to whoever nominated the post and to Molly who did the judging. Thank you.

My blog is now coming up to 11 years old (next April) and I am immensely proud of all of the work I have put into it over the years. Even when I struggle for new words, the old ones are there to remind me of my achievements. so, I guess that’s the message to take forward. Even when I manage 1 post in a month, I am still a blogger. When I can’t think of anything sexy to write today, I will have written something very sexy and even erotic before. I’m still a sex blogger and a pretty damned good one. Onwards then to 2023.

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