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Another shower scene

Me in the shower. I'm holding the shower attachment and washing the back of my hair and neck. My right arm shields my face. My mastectomy scar is evident and on the other side may remaining boob.

In many ways, this photo taken last summer in an apartment in Bilbao is just another shower scene. But originally I treated this as something of an out take. The original was longer and I’ve cropped out my tummy. But what I can’t remove are the other lumps and bumps.

Usually I prefer side photos of me naked to be taken from the right. Because that it the better side. My remaining boob detracts from the remains of the other one. The scar and residual swelling and inflammation left over from breast cancer treatment.

But the longer that passes, both in time since the image was taken and the longer gap since surgery then the happier I am to share this. Because it is what it is and I am who I am.

Master likes to take photos of me in all ways. Naked or semi naked in preference but really anywhere, doing anything. So while this might seem like just another shower scene, he decided it was worthy of an image. Plus, he had to get out of bed to take it!

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