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Reflecting on the past week #1

Already the year is a week old. Where did that time go to? I’ll tell you where; being active and busy and not drinking wine. During this year I’m going to try to do some reflective posts and these will fit in with the Erotic Journal challenge. Not that there will always be a sexy or erotic element, I will just be reflecting on the week or month (or whatever time period).

Feel Good stuff

Most of my thoughts this week are positive, which is a good start. I’ve used my time pretty well and blogged a lot. This is my 7th post of the week, driven on by the increasing number and variety of things to join in with. I’ve also had bundles of energy.

Work didn’t restart until Tuesday and to be frank I’ve not been over busy. That will change next week, but I’ve used the time to do more than mindlessly surf the net. Or read and grumble about social media. Instead I’ve sat at my desk and written blog posts between work emails, Teams meetings and report writing.

I’ve bottled the energy, and been swimming and done 3 days of yoga. Plus I’ve been out walking a bit. All of those things add to that feel good feeling.

What went well

Sunday was our last drinking day and so far I’ve made it to 5 days. In that time I’ve watched my food intake and lost 3lb. So, it feels worth carrying on. Master has joined me in the dry January thing which has helped. More of the possible reasons for that further down.

My new meme is now live. I’m pretty proud of the way I’ve set it up and while there will be tweaks, I think it’s all good for the moment. I’m hoping I’ve made it simple enough that people will join in on twitter as well as through their blogs. Week 1 is about journals, diaries and planners.

As I said above I’ve blogged lots and am feeling the desire to write re-ignite in me. Something I haven’t experienced for several months. I’ve also been reading other people’s blogs and participating in Wordle which has been fun!

All in all, this has been a good week.

What needs work

Master has been the main worry this week. Soon after this image was taken he slipped over in the bathroom. We’d taken a jacuzzi bath together and he got out first. Yes alcohol was involved, but I actually think he just slipped. The ensuing week has been pretty awful for him and not much fun for me. He actually didn’t remember much when he woke up on New Year’s morning, but there was blood everywhere. Despite the only visible wound being a scratch on his elbow. The main problem though was his side and back.

A week of analgesics, tablets and gel, plus a heat pad and lots of rest means he is now on the mend. But I’ve had to do pretty much everything, cook, clean, empty the bins etc. as well as work. He isn’t the best patient and has felt very sorry for himself. I’ve tried to be patient, but at times have struggled. Needing to get out to the shop for supplies a couple of times has definitely helped.

This is probably the reason Master has stuck to water and coke this week. I do hope he will continue on for longer because it’s healthy and will definitely help my own will power.

In terms of personal stuff my week has (as I said above) been pretty positive. I have felt inclined to write more than one post in a day sometimes. It occurs to me that rather than stopping myself I should just write and leave stuff in my draft folder. Then when inspiration dries up, as it will, I will have something useful to post. I shall try that this coming week.

I haven’t done the yoga every day, but my muscles told me I needed to take it more slowly and I’m going to listen to them. Its probably enough to make sure I do something for 4-5 days a week.

Writing this feels good and may be a good reference point in the future, when the week hasn’t been so positive.

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