I was actually looking for butterflies while on a walk during summer last year.
He never knows when he might get a quick flash and have a photo opportunity. He certainly always seems prepared. I’m not sure Master was quite prepared this though! A last minute request for an image for this month’s Sinful Sunday Prompt week. But new skills have been learned and no doubt will be used to the future.
Gotta love an upskirt sexy shot… also green knickers are amazing
A very sneaky shot, love the fun in this.
This is a really gorgeous take on the brief!
OH i don’t think I actually own a pair of green undies. I certainly do have loads of other colours… maybe I should remedy that the next time I need new knickers. Lovely photo edit!
They are actually turquoise, but I love the colour and have a few pairs. Thanks for commenting on Master’s efforts – He has produced a few with this kind of edit for future use now.