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We’ve been away from home for the entire month of August. For the first time ever I (we) am going to be away for almost another month; our ferry to England is booked for 29th September. My mum asked me a couple of days ago if I’m homesick yet, I’m not. I feel guilty for abandoning her and my brother while at the same time I’m happy to have escaped the UK. The constant political shambles, the fear mongers, the anti vaxxers who should be fearful and the weather. The damned English summer which this August has been terrible. No, I am not homesick and I’m not all that sorry for being in a hot, sunny place where infection rates are low. Where there is a pool or the sea to swim in and historical places to visit.


August has been a better blogging month for me, this is my 9th post. Better than May, June and July but not brilliant. However in my defence I’m away from home, we’ve been to 2 countries and numerous places along the way. I have also posted my travels on my Food and Fitness Blog, something I’m keen to continue since there are more travels to come. I have stuff to say, I just need to get the discipline back and say it. Plus we have photos of our antics, of us both, ready to share with the world.

Blogging is part of a balancing act. Before work took my energy and so there wasn’t so much time for blogging. This month, having a good time has taken the fore. Next month, hopefully there will be more time to bridge that gap before work takes over again in October. Hopefully the ideas will continue to flow!

Beautiful places too visit
Fun on a bridge

Rediscovering our dynamic and our sexlife

One of the reasons for the lack of posts during much of this year has been that we’ve lacked drive in our relationship. It’s not that there was a problem, but that life was just in a rut. Not surprising when we have been unable to do the things we love for so long. Travel, go to the theatre and to music events, to the cinema, art galleries etc. Our daily existence had become pretty mundane, muck like everyone else’s. This trip has helped us to get back on track with everything. What’s more we have felt safe doing it.

As every day has gone by, Master has rediscovered his drive. For life, for history and culture and for his place as my Lord. It has helped his libido no end, and in turn mine. I think I’m generally lazy and while I might fancy a walk and orgasm, would rarely go out of my way to get it. But offered on a plate? Well to be frank I haven’t needed all that many orgasms, I’ve been happy to get more and more sex. Overlaid with the M/s dynamic that has re-emerged so strongly. What’s more, the pain that is often present with PIV sex for me these days has disappeared. It turns out that the stuff I learned about the menopause during the Blogging days of April has turned out to be true. The more you use it the better it is, the less the more you are likely to lose it. The warm weather, the fact we are not at home, the fact I’m not working at 9 etc. have all contributed to this new honeymoon period.

Going forward

Tomorrow we are off on a holiday within a holiday with some friends. We have an airbnb booked an hour away for us, 5 for them. I’m looking forward to fun and laughs in a way that we haven’t been able to experience in so long. Then my brother and partner are coming over to spend a week, so more time to just enjoy life. Then it will be the journey home, with the covid rigmarole offset by the great places we can visit on our way back through Spain. Plus the photo opportunities that might offer themselves to us given that there will be less people around now schools are going back. The challenge then is to maintain these feelings into the winter.

Munches and Clubs are starting back up so that might be our way back into the kink scene over the coming months. A chance to catch up with like minded people we haven’t engaged with for getting on for 2 years. Our view on what normal looks like has changed. But rather than be told what that much look like we are navigating it in our own way. Cautious in our encounters with others, accepting that freedom can be taken from you at the drop of a hat. But ready to embrace our own reality. Even if it mean spending more time doing our thing in our way. Even if it’s August.

This post is linked to The Blog Days of Summer and Lustitude

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