This year, for the first time in I don’t know how long I have made a Christmas cake. I know this isn’t the most healthy thing to eat but I hardly eat cake and since I’m going to be home more I really fancied to make one. I didn’t have a recipe ready but on looking online found this one which was recently posted online. The recipe was devised by Skye McAlpine and it seemed pretty straightforward. I didn’t have any brandy, but did have some whisky which we don’t really drink. I thought that this wouldn’t matter and so set about soaking the fruit for two days in whisky. I have to say when I tried the batter before washing up it tasted pretty good. It smelt good as it cooked too. It is now wrapped in foil waiting for marzipan and other decorations.
The photo above was taken this morning a few days after making. More photos to follow once it is decorated. I’ll also let you know how it tastes!