Welcome to the September round up of Food, Fitness and Health and the For the Health of it meme.
I’m not sure how good September has been for my health and fitness. On the one hand I’ve been in the sun, have swum in the sea and have walked loads. I’ve also eaten a lot of very healthy food (along with some lovely but less healthy options). However I have drunk wine every day and on some nights have had rather too much. On Monday we start our journey back to the UK and once there I do plan to get back on track with my own health and weight loss journey. I also plan to blog here much more, once back in my little office at home.
For the Health of it September round up
September was a reasonably successful month for the meme, with 7 link ups including my own for the topic of Self Care. I suspect this is something we will come back to as it is a really important to our health and well being. Subjects covered included skin care, The joy and hope that spring brings with it, Yoga (which is something I am keen to try), practising the various elements of self care, and finally weight loss as a way of regaining health.
I love to read the posts of others, though commenting on blogger is sometimes challenging. I think it’s important to share ideas and learning new things. Thank you everyone who joined in. I hope to see you again this month for the October prompt: Favourite recipes. I know I’ve had this kind of topic before, but thought that with the seasons changing it would be timely. Plus I’m looking for ideas for when I return home.