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Not the holiday we expected

It’s hard to believe that it is almost 2 weeks since we set off on holiday to the south of France and 10 days since we arrived here. We expected the first few days to be busy as we had some home improvement projects planned. But we hadn’t bargained for the need to rent a place just up the road. It is pretty much impossible to live without running water. The way the water system was set up in my French apartment meant that we couldn’t turn off the hot water effectively without also having no cold. So that meant no showers, but also that we couldn’t flush the toilet. Plus, getting a reliable tradesperson to come and check the problem, give us an estimate and actually do the work was challenging to say the least.


But that work is now done. If any one were to ever tell me that French people don’t work hard for their living I’d point them to the two plumbers still in our bathroom till 8.30pm. They worked extremely hard and the end result is amazing. So now we can start on the big clean up and on the tasks we had planned. We have the rental till Monday next week, so it will be a busy weekend. Busy but hopefully fun.

The fabulous thing about this particular place is that the sun doesn’t shine on the balcony or in the window till lunch time. Sometimes I think breakfast in the sun would be nice. But I don’t tend to eat breakfast and anyway lunch and the afternoon is nicer. That means we can get things done in the morning and actually holiday in the afternoon. So far I haven’t picked up my novel or sewn a stitch of my cross stitch. I’ve swum in the sea only once despite glorious weather. We still have the phone / internet to sort out (and that is a story for another day), but now we can relax and have fun.


We are off for lunch with some friends to a French Chateau (wine related) today. Plus, I plan to invite the same friends round to our lovely rental at the weekend. It is a tall thin house on 3 levels. One room on each. It is perfectly cool as has thick ancient walls and is situated in the centre of this lovely French village.

We are getting plenty of exercise walking between the two places. But I am looking forward to going on some walks just for the sake of it. Through the countryside, along the lake, sea or nearby canal. With autumn approaching I feel the need to fill up on vitamin D (with sun lotion applied of course). Also to swim in the sea some more and generally recharge my batteries for the months of challenge ahead.

Eating good food and drinking nice wine are two of our favourite things to do. I’m trying to be careful and not gain weight. But that is helped along by the abundance of beautiful seafood, fresh vegetables and salad stuff. I’m enjoying the odd ice cream, but not every day. The cheese is wonderful but again I am trying to moderate that and especially bread. But all these things are a massive tonic after the months of lockdown and the changeable English summer.


I have discovered I really can sleep all night long (though I do get up to the toilet). Feeling able to sleep has been wonderful and has certainly helped us get through some of the stressful and challenging days.

But I am really looking forward to afternoons with a mixture of sun and shade, where I can read or sew. Or else when I relax a little more and doze for a while.

All too soon it will be time for the return journey and quarantine. We’ll be unable to ignore the doom and gloom of the British press and media like we can here. Covid is evident in that masks are worn in busy outside spaces and everywhere indoors. I’ve even managed to get G two comply. But this is an area where there are few cases. It is rural and now the main holiday season is over, there aren’t lots of people. So we can socially distance easily, rest, recuperate and get ready for the months ahead. This is the best form of self care.

This post is linked to the September For the Health of it Prompt: Selfcare. Click below to see who else is joining in this month.

2 thoughts on “Not the holiday we expected”

  1. Rest and Relaxation is definitely the best form of self care! Glad you were able to get away. If it weren’t for Covid, we might’ve been planning a trip there ourselves!

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