It feels as if my mojo for losing weight has gone missing. After my Slimming World weigh in two Friday’s ago I really wanted to feel as enthused as others in group. But as I sat there, masked and socially distanced from friends I hadn’t seen in real life for months, I felt kind of weird. Obviously there had been no hugs. Everything was sanitised and clean and it was safe. But I longed for the old days when we could bring in food for each other. When we each added to the slimmer of the week basket. I know others were feeling this too, but their motivation seemed indented. Of course, many of them had put on more than 6lb in 5 months.
So I went away and mainly did what I had done most weeks recently. Ate nice (home baked bread) and cheese, washed down with wine. So it continued over the weekend – pizza, more wine etc. I pulled myself together after the weekend and essentially dieted. By Friday of last week I had put on just half a pound. Not bad, but not exactly what I had left group saying I would do. Others in group had followed the plan 100% and came in with 5 and 6lb losses.
We are off on holiday this weekend and I think that was the issue. I was back in the mindset of: it doesn’t matter. But it does matter. It matters very much to me and whatever I said last Friday it has played on my mind.
So I have been doing things a bit differently, not perfectly. But better. Plus I know holiday is no excuse because my diet will be pretty good. I’ll eat fish, which I don’t eat at home much because G doesn’t like it. Salads will be in abundance. Plus we will exercise a lot and use the car less. We are talking about hiring bikes and taking off into the countryside and along the coast. All this will help.
So, I am actually hopeful of a weightless this week (I took a sneaky peak this morning). I’m not taking scales with me this time (I did last year and ended up hiding them due to the stress they caused). But I have been thinking about my measurements.
When I was losing weight I was measuring myself regularly. I haven’t done this since March. But it might be a better way of assessing whether things are going well weight wise (before I feel it in my clothes). So that’s my plan for holiday – pack the tape measure.
I’ll update this when I’ve been weighed on Friday. Then we leave for France and I’ll be writing and updating from there. Adventures on a bike perhaps!
Losing weight at our age isn’t easy, especially if you like to eat, and I definitely do! I’ve found that intermittent fasting along with a Mediterranean type of diet (a modified version, including a lot of vegetables and fruit and less grain especially at night) has really helped me. I think that might be my next post!
I’ll add that intermittent fasting especially, is very sustainable for life.
I forgot to write that I’m still doing intermittent fasting. It’s just that my fasting hours had gradually reduced. I’m wondering if that’s another reason I might lose weight this week as I’ve been stricter with that. I look forward to reading thoughts xx