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Eroticon 2020 Meet and Greet

Eroticon 2020 badge

This week is all about final preparations for attending Eroticon 2020. This will be our 4th Eroticon. To say I am excited would be something of a massive understatement. This year I am going to be an Eroticon Ambassador which is a huge privilege. But more of that later.

Names and Twitter handles

My name is Julie or @mpbjulie on Twitter and I will be at Eroticon with my partner and Master, Graeme. He is @Master_of_MPB, not that he uses twitter much.

Three things you are most looking forward to at Eroticon 2020

  • Firstly I’m excited about seeing everyone. Obviously after 4 years I know quite a few fellow writers and bloggers and am looking forward to seeing them. But also meeting new people and putting faces to names.
  • Secondly being an Eroticon Ambassador as I mentioned above. Along with @sub_bee who has had this job before we will be trying to make sure everyone is able to relax and enjoy themselves. So, if you are lost, unsure of what is where or who is who then we are your people. I did ask Molly if we get a sash, but sadly not. Instead you’ll have to recognise me from my loud outgoing nature and from my blog. I’ll be wearing clothes, I can assure you.
  • Thirdly I’m looking forward to the great talks, including The Other Livvy, 19 Syllables and Violet Grey to name but a few. I’m hoping to get vacced by Mac again too!

Graeme goes to humour me, so if asked would probably say he isn’t looking forward to anything at all. He tends to get more out of it than he says though and particularly enjoys the two socials.

Sadly with a change of venue this year for the Friday night meet and greet we won’t be compiling a play list but I know that everyone enjoys that bit so…. What is a song that always makes you want to dance?

One of my favourite songs for getting up and dancing is I gotta feeling by the Black Eyed Peas.

What is the best book you have read in the last 12 months?

My favourite books from the past year are a trilogy (no I couldn’t choose one). Not my usual reading material but, A Discovery of Witches and the rest of the All Souls trilogy was just the best thing I’ve read in a very long time.

As you sit writing this post what three things are you most grateful for?

  • The ability to edit – I missed this bit out of my post originally
  • A lovely partner and Master who indulges me and is happy to attend Eroticon with me
  • The prospect of a night in a dungeon next week after Eroticon

What is your mobile (cellphone) wallpaper or home screen image?

A screenshot from my phone of the salins de gruissan.

This is a photo of the Salt flats (les salins) where I have my apartment in France.

If someone gave you £5000 today which you were not allowed to save but had to spend within 24 hours what would you do with it?

This is going to sound a bit dull. But we have loads to do in the house and money and time are making progress quite slow. So I’d spend the money on decorating and getting fitted wardrobes in the bedroom. If possible I’d also get a new bigger bed.

Complete the sentence: I need..

Actually not much right now. A good spanking maybe, but hopefully I’ll get one of those when we go to CMnf on Sunday! (I actually wrote this last week and got my spanking already). So all I need is for Friday to arrive!

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