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Time to celebrate

Photo by Clarinta Subrata on Unsplash

This is a special week, the 400th edition of Wicked Wednesday, so time to celebrate such an amazing feat. This weekly meme was invented by and is hosted by Marie Rebelle and has been running since 4th June 2012. At that time I was in the first throws of my extra first and only marital affair. Everything was new, including my blog which I’d started in April that year. Back then, my blog was pretty much a diary of events, probably written and read by myself alone. But since I’d started it to do just that, it didn’t matter.

My first Wicked Wednesday

This post written on March 26 2016 was my first linked to the Wicked Wednesday meme. Since then I’ve joined in 97 time prior today (so this is number 98). The only meme I’ve joined more times is Sinful Sunday with 118 posts. Of course, in a way posting a photo is easier than thinking up words, so maybe this isn’t surprising.

What I like about Wicked Wednesday

Marie’s hard work and engaging nature has paid off over the years. I always know that she will read and visit my and all the posts each week. Her thoughtful comments make all the difference, especially when you are covering a difficult topic. speaking of which the subjects are equally well thought out and planned ahead. What’s more others that have linked provide ample reading material for the days ahead.

Reviewing Wicked Wednesday

Over the past 2 or 3 years Marie has handed the Wicked Wednesday review over to her contributors. This involves doing a round up and picking three posts which stood out. This post, written in June 2017 is about my first review. The first time I’d done anything like that. I was overwhelmed with the amount of reading (of course this was before the Smut Marathon) and in awe of the work Marie does every week. I’ve done the round up once more since and I’m due to do it again later this year.

You can post anything really

The great thing is that you don’t have to follow the prompt and can actually link pretty much any post from your blog. You can also combine memes, which I and others often do. But I quite like to follow the prompt if I can as I am not always filled with new ideas. When your blog is 8 years old, as mine will be soon, you have often written about most things.

Other things to celebrate this week

Marie’s blog was 10 years old this week, what an amazing feat. I have to say I am proud to call her a friend and really value the support she has given me over the years. I raise my virtual glass of champagne in celebration. Congratulations Marie, here’s to the next 400 weeks of Wicked Wednesday!

3 thoughts on “Time to celebrate”

  1. Thank you so much for your kind words, my dear friend, and I do intend to keep on going for many years more. Maybe I should set my goal to at least 1000 prompts 😉

    Thank you for all the times you have joined in (my counter say this is the 103rd time) and for all your support always!

    Rebel xox

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