I wasn’t going to write anything for this week’s Food For Thought topic on friends and friendship because I have written about before. But, it gives me a chance to link up my previous posts and perhaps to expand a little.
My best friend and partner
Is of course Master. Next weekend is the 6th anniversary of our first meeting. He and I are lovers, we are Master and slave and we are friends. We are friends in a way that was never the case with my ex. Neither of us have many friends and I am glad and grateful that we have each other. There have been times over the last couple of years when I wonder what I’d do without him. He has been the most amazing, caring individual who has put me. before everything else.
Many of my friendships have been transient
As I wrote here last May, people have come and gone from my life. when I wrote this I said that there is no one special I could confide in. But I don’t think that’s quite right. We have a friend in Holland who confided in us when we saw her before Christmas. The time I spent with her, listening and helping her make some difficult decisions made me realise she is someone I could confide in. I also believe she is someone who will remain a friend and not walk away,. Around May time we also saw her and it was then I told her about my breast cancer. She was upset that I hadn’t confided before and I was sorry I hadn’t. I just didn’t want to do it by text message or phone call. But another time I definitely would go to her if I needed help or support.
Online friends who become real friends
I wrote in August about those people who I’ve got to know online and consider to be friends. Those I know from Munches and other events and those I’ve met at Eroticon. The beauty of attending something like Eroticon several years in a row (this will be our 4th) is picking up with friends again. Also developing those relationships over time. Last year was the first time I really struck up detailed conversations with people and I hope to do much more of that this year.
So glad you wrote this Julie as it is the perfect way to link in others stuff that some readers may not have seen – appreciate u link up xx
It’s a wonderful thing when partners/spouses are friends makes life easy. 😉
And online friends are always nice to have even for a Hello, how ya doing? every now and again. 🙂