It’s mid January. The month that often feels like it will never end. Here in the southern half of the Uk we have at least had a sunny and day today. We’ve had far few days this winter when we could see the sun and the sky. So, I’m already looking forward to summer and what we might do and where we might go.
This photo was taken in France on our holiday last year. Not the sunniest of days but equally not wet and not cold. A day when we climbed a tower and since there weren’t many people around photo opportunities could be taken. These are the kind of days I look forward to. However cold and dark your world is right now, summer is on the horizon. Unless you are in the southern hemisphere of course, then the reverse is true. Happy Saturday / Sunday xx
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Oh damn, the thoughts you are putting into my mind right now. Some vista.
Oh it can’t come soon enough for me. Bottoms up to summer
I love, ah, France? Note to self, need to get out into the country during the summer more often. Great picture! xoxo
Beautiful view 😉
Haha very distant in the horizon but yes summer woop woop. You’ve found a great location for a bottom shot.
Nice view, and yes, summer will be around in a few months again, yay!
Yesterday was a sunny day, chilly but so nice, and today seem to be another one. Love these kind of winter days! Nice image! Here’s to warmer days!
Rebel xox
We’ve had the same, it looks beautiful but is cold. Definitely looking forward to those warmer days.
Oh I wish it would come sooner . . . and we’d all be able to join you dressed just as you are.
Lovely view !!!
Xxx – K
Ha ha, that would be fun!
What a great thing to look forward too!
Missy x
lovely view,
Sweetgirl x
A great picture and you are right, it is good to think of the longer, lighter, warmer days 🙂
Looks like you are enjoying the view – so are we!
Beautiful view for a beautiful bottom.
I am most def impatiently waiting for summer x
What a beautiful view! I am also super excited for warm weather to return!
Excellent view all round I’d say! xx
How lovely to be bottomless in the South of France. What a view! 😍
Lovely memories Julie, and even lovelier you!
That entire view is great Julie! You look gorgeous and i bless you for reminding me that happier, warmer days are coming, just round the corner. Thanks for the boost darling one. xx
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The place is very lovely!