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Coming soon to Food, Fitness and Health

The site is still in a state of development and unlike my other blog, I’m doing it as I go along. This is partly because I know that the most important thing you can do when creating a new blog is to create content. So, while it might be great to get the design right first and then launch, that won’t work in terms of making sure there is content. And, it all takes time. So, what’s to come?

A new theme

I have to admit I haven’t been able to find any suitable images to develop what I think will be the right theme for Food, Fitness and Health. So, I’ve asked a very talented fellow blogger to design something for me. I’m very excited to see what they come up with and to share on the site soon.

A new Meme

It was always my intention to involve others on this site. I know there are people out there who have opinions on food, dieting, healthy eating, eating for pleasure etc. The list is endless and that’s without mentioning fitness and other elements of a healthy life. So, from the beginning of February I’ll be running a monthly meme. Each month there’ll be a new topic and you’ll be invited to add any relevant links from your own blog. The exact details, rules etc. will be revealed very soon. There will be a badge to display on your blog or website (see above).

Life Matters

My friend May of Sex Matters by May More is introducing a new meme this month. Called Life Matters. Starting next week, when the focus will be on problems with food. For now, I’ll be cross posting my contributions to her meme here and on my NSFW blog.

More varied content

I’ll be scouting the internet for more information on the various diets available. I can’t be the only one to doubt some of the claims that surround some of them. I’ll also be reviewing books and sharing links to support groups and forums. In fact I hope to build up a significant resource here on Food, Fitness and Health.

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