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Every damn Day in June is the brainchild of Hy. Most of us have resolutions to blog more in January and the momentum lasts through February Photofest and on into the April Blogging A-Z. But keeping things going till June is hard. There are plenty of memes to help. But sometimes that help is overwhelming and you end up not quite knowing where to start. That’s where Every Damn Day in June comes in.

This is my 23rd post for June. Does that mean I’ve failed? Hell no. While it would be fabulous to post every day, this meme recognises that many bloggers are struggling at this point in the year. I am no exception.

As I mentioned the other day, I have picked up some work (actual paid work). It is taking my time, not to mention my energy. Plus I am busy with other pursuits – getting slim and fit and also re-learning French. I am proper busy for a retired person. So, a summery.

Health, diet and fitness

Work last week involved staying away. I was woefully unprepared in terms of sticking to my eating plan. Plus, having no work base when out of the house I used coffee shops. Then because it was the right thing to do, I drank large quantities of cappuccino. This is not conducive to weight loss. But at least I didn’t put any weight on.

Great new though is that I am sticking to my exercise plan. Average step count is now around 9000 per day and I’m expecting to hit 10000 this week. Plus the swimming and app based aerobics continues. Even if I am not getting slim, I am getting fitter. We have also been painting fences in the garden and that is reminding us of muscles we had forgotten we had!

Holiday preparations

Just a week to go, so this week will be full on preparation mode. The key issue is what to take. How many clothes? What stuff from my house that I have stored for almost a year. We have those decisions to make this week. But whatever, I an feeling massively excited about this trip. 6 whole weeks away from home.


While our kink is never far away, there is every chance it will take more of a back seat while we are in France. Therefore there may be a more vanilla theme creeping in. But then again there is every chance that we will have some naked and kinky opportunities and if they pop up then I will write about them.

But, there is every chance that I will blog fewer times in July than June. Even sex blogs and their authors deserve a holiday!

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