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Blogging A to Z challenge 2019 (A – Archives)

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

This is my fourth Blogging A to Z challenge and from the badge above you can see it is their 10th Anniversary. I have been wavering over entering again as posting every day is enough of a challenge. What is harder is thinking up something to write about for each letter over several years. This year I am going to theme my entries around my blog itself.

This month is the 7th anniversary of my blog which started as World of Joolz in April 2012. I plan to use some of my archives to share something of the history of my blog. This will include updating some posts and write new ones that tell something of my journey. I also plan to write some erotica based on some of the archive material.

So today, day 1 – A is for Archives. This is the link to my previous posts in the Blogging A to Z category. As you will see, some relate to BDSM and kink and others to more vanilla topics.

4 thoughts on “Blogging A to Z challenge 2019 (A – Archives)”

  1. I like your theme idea! I always find I (re)learn unexpected things when I go through my archives; it’s a very real reminder of where I’ve been, and how things have changed for me, both from a personal perspective and in terms of my evolution as a blogger.

    I look forward to reading your posts. 🙂

  2. Oh, cool!
    I wasn’t sure if you were going to play this year or not.
    Interesting theme – you’ll have to tell us if it leads to any startling revelations or not!

  3. Pingback: A to Z 2019 ~ My favourite bits - Sex Matters ~ by May More

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