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Eroticon diaries 2019 edition

In the next couple of hours we will make our way to the station for the short trip into London and the event of the year – Eroticon. What with holiday, post holiday and what not, I haven’t quite been on top of preparations this year. As I write this at 12.30pm I still have a couple of items in the tumble dryer that I am planning to take.

This is our third year and I guess that makes us old hands. But of course we will be meeting new people and learning new things, so I don’t think there will be anything old about the occasion.

Each year so far I have written my eroticon diaries and this will be no exception. I just hope I can keep up. I am a little nervous (as usual) about the meet and greet. While I am an extravert I do struggle with people I don’t know, or don’t know well. I really prefer to stick with friends etc. However last year I made a real effort and so will go into the bar tonight knowing more people. I have also engaged more fully with people online including twitter, which I hope will help.

Tomorrow will be the conference proper and I am going without really studying the programme. Instead we are going to just go with what takes our fancy in the moment. Also, experience tells me that some of the sessions will be more crowded than others and sometimes that helps decision making. Over the past year I have written much more fiction and I want to continue to develop those skills. So I will be looking for sessions that might support that objective.

As I mentioned in our virtual meet and greet we won’t be staying at the hotel where the socials are taking place, but instead at our favourite London hotel near to Kings Cross and Euston stations. This suits us as we like our ‘alone’ time and also we love it there. But we are just a short tube or longer walk away. I’m hoping this year I get to spend a bit more time with some of my favourite bloggers and that might mean hanging around the bar of the hotels where the socials are. Maybe we might even entice one or two people over to our place. Who knows.

I’ll try to keep up with these posts over the weekend, as it is great to look back at them afterwards.

Let the fun begin. Well once I’ve done the packing……….

Eroticon 2019 Attending

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