Our relationship dynamic, Master / slave can be described as a total power exchange. I, the submissive person have given control for much of my life to my Dominant partner. This has been a gradual process over a period of almost 5 years. While working and living in my own house I always retained at least some responsibility for my needs. While there has been no visible change since I moved in with Master I sense a growth in his power over me, and my submission too.
For many people practicing BDSM is a part time pursuit, something that takes place in the bedroom, a club or dungeon. Where each takes a role, for the duration of that session. There may be rope, or impact play, one might take a dominate role and the other the bottom or submissive. Even perhaps, roles are switched depending on mood and partner. In the early days, we intended our relationship to be more about play. But it soon became clear that we wanted and needed something more. Once he had asked me to be his slave and we had begun to negotiate what that might mean, there was no looking back.
Over the past couple of weeks as the old year came to an end and this new one has started I have been reflecting on our relationship. This has partly come about through writing my end of year blog posts. But also because I have been doing some thinking and reading. Master also bought me a new collar, and just yesterday a ring arrived for my regular one. This will enable him to be able to use a lead more when we are playing.
Thoughts on my submission
Living here with Master has enabled me to give more control of my life to him. Before, I always felt I must retain control financially and of family situations. There was also work, which of course came with responsibilities. Although I am still making decisions about what I want to do, I am doing less telling and more asking about them. I have my own money and I can and do spend it. But we are living in his house and there is more dependence on my part. While this may have scared the life out of me in the past, it no longer does. Indeed it fills me with pleasure.
My illness has shown me that it is ok to rely on another for support and yes, decision making. But the funny thing is, I don’t feel the need to take the control I have given up back from him. Indeed, I can see myself giving up more and more. This is strange, since I didn’t even realise I had more to give.
For a long time I have resisted some of the signs of submission Master asked for. Ones related to dress (wearing underwear), my hair length and getting a tattoo, spring to mind, but there are others. It feels though that this year I should take the plunge and open myself up to becoming the slave I know he desires.
Thoughts on his dominance
Power is the major driver for Master. When we play, it is the very fact that my body reacts in the way it does, to his body and the toys he uses, that drives him. During sex, he loves that he can control me and my orgasms. He loves that he can call me names such as bitch and it excites me. Me being his property is something that we both acknowledge and that enables his dominance to shine though. In those moments I am slave, MPB, this girl.
When I gave myself to him totally I also gave my limits. We had agreed what they were and as we moved along the power exchange continuum I realised that he could and should own them. I can still call red (though I haven’t) and he will stop. My consent has been given for Master to make the decisions in the bedroom, playroom and in life. But importantly this is reaffirmed regularly. He does so in such a way that I must state that my limits belong to him and uttering those words make him feel more dominant. Nothing makes me happier.
I know this isn’t a relationship for everyone. I didn’t even know it was for me and indeed I do question it myself from time to time. But 2019 definitely feels like the year for an exploration into how far this dynamic might take us.

Isn’t it just a wonderful feeling when you can grow in a dynamic? I would love to try a 24-hour D/s relationship…
Rebel xox
Yes, it is Marie. Sometimes it is only when you look back that you can see things have changed. xx
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It’s always cool to hear people’s perspectives on how and why different things work for them. I appreciate your openness.
Thank you xx
I loved this. This isn’t and probably never will be the kind of dynamic for me, but I am also a big fan of never say never, so who knows. Either way I so enjoy reading about good explorations of 24/7, TPE examples of D/s.
I also got a huge grin on my face when you were writing ‘Thoughts on his Dominance’ because that was the bit I did get … ‘When we play, it is the very fact that my body reacts in the way it does, to his body and the toys he uses, that drives him. During sex, he loves that he can control me and my orgasms. He loves that he can call me names such as bitch and it excites me.’ Yes this I can relate to. From the D-side of the slash, perhaps I’m right to never say never after all, lol. Maybe I just need to find the right slave =D
Wonderful post Julie, thank you for sharing x
Thanks Floss, I know this isn’t for everyone but it felt important to write down. Interesting that you can relate to my perceptions of the D side. I agree, never say never xx
I’ve always struggled with our rocky D/S dynamic, so I love reading about others having success. When you find what works, it is a beautiful thing.
I love reading about people in similar dynamics to our own and hearing how it works for them so I really enjoyed this post and the insight it gave. While all relationships are as different as the people in them, there is commonality and that makes it really fascinating. I look forward to seeing where you take things next ?
It makes me happy to read this, that you guys are finally together all the time and that you are happy exploring what that means for your D/s
(My comment was eaten so forgive me if this is a bit abbreviated)
Thank you for sharing this! I was wondering how the transition out of work would affect your dynamic. It seems that things have definitely solidified with the changes. It was neat to read how this (to me) more strict dynamic works and how it compares to my relationship.
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