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Halloween and all that stuff

As a focus for scary stories the ghosts and gouls of Halloween are perfect. I love the idea of the dead haunting graveyards on all Hallows eve and can see why people would want to read about them, watch films and generally celebrate. I’m even taken with the idea of some sad ghost wanting to possess my body, to replenish his lifeblood, though I have little interest in erotic vampire fiction. I like stories that are weird or full of suspense, including ghosts and poltergeists but they are for all year round not just for 31st October.

I don’t think I’ve ever dressed up at Halloween, nor have I been to a party to celebrate. I’m not a party pooper and enjoy seeing people who’ve made an effort, but I don’t feel the need to join in. When my son was little we found costumes for him to wear, we held a party for he and his cousins and a couple of friends. We went trick or treating, but only to neighbours houses. We cut pumpkins and displayed them around the house, children love that kind of thing. Now, there are no children at home and so we can be Halloween free. Maybe

Halloween feels like a construct imported (not always well) from abroad- the USA to be presise. Maybe if I found myself in the USA at Halloween and experienced it there I’d feel different. But here in the UK it feels like we are not quite getting this thing right. From the end of August costumes, pumpkin sweet holders, plastic spiders and other stuff arrives in the shops. By the middle of September, the first pumpkins are appearing, but why? Unless they are small and are for cooking they aren’t going to last.

The very worst thing about Halloween is that once it is over, the shops try to make us think we are only days away from Christmas. Perhaps it’s best I don’t get started on that one!

Happy Halloween (in 6 days time)!

Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked


7 thoughts on “Halloween and all that stuff”

  1. It’s turned into less of a big thing here, but then again I’m older with kids so I don’t know the routine any more. I’ve never been fond of this time of year and all it entails. I don’t like scary stuff and the dropping temps make me sad. I’m a party pooper.

  2. I have never done anything for Halloween, not dress up, not cut a pumpkin and haven’t done it for my kids too. It’s just not a thing over here and wasn’t in South Africa either. However, you do see more things in the shops, like Halloween candy, and this coming weekend my daughter is taking my grandsons to a kids’ Halloween party as two ghosts 😉

    Rebel xox

  3. Michael always says I am a Halloween grouch as until he moved here I used to turn all the lights out and pretend to be out so I didn’t have to answer the door to trick and treaters. However he loves it and always dashes off and is silly with all the kids who come calling.

    I am totally with you on the super market stuff too. It is all such a complete waste of money


  4. In Australia it seems to be getting bigger, at least the amount of stuff in the shops would have you believe it is. There’s Halloween stuff everywhere and you’re right the day it goes away the aisles will be filled with tinsel and baulbles. It is very commercialized as are many holidays now. I love that you gave reference to the origins of the “holiday,” All Hallows Eve which I think is worthy of more attention.

  5. Pingback: It's Halloween - Masters Pleasing Bitch

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