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Power and glory

Apparently Master had an odd dream. This is nothing unusual, only last week he has travelled to China having been abducted on an underground train. In this dream though he was describing the different ways in which he and I fuck. Nothing odd about that, though he didn’t expand on the context. However it led him to thinking about the ways we have sex. This post is a reflection of the conversation we had. 

For him, there are two kinds of sex firstly where he has the power and is a dominant force and secondly where he feels the desire to breed me. For the purpose of this post I am calling glory.


I would estimate that 70-80% of the time our sex life resolves around the power dynamic of our relationship. His role as Master and mine as slave is most evident in the bedroom, or playroom. It is always an undercurrent the rest of the time but is subtle. During sex though he says and does things that increase his feelings of power and that in turn brings out my submissive side. He might use humiliating words to describe me – bitch for example, or he may instruct me to kneel and suck his cock.

The more that I conform to his words, the fact that I ask and even beg for an orgasm, the way he can make me wait all make him feel more powerful. In this context I can feel myself drift into submission, how that feels is difficult to describe. It feels almost trance like, hypnotic. When he sees that slightly glazed look on my face, especially after several orgasms, his voice chances in tone. There is no doubt he is in control, has the power  over me.

If he orgasms he will often do so on my body somewhere; breasts or tummy. He will wipe his cock over my pubic hair as a final sign of his power. This will have been my prize.  


The sex described in my post yesterday falls into the second category. While some of the words spoken may be the same and there will be an overt power dynamic. But this will be about him burying his cock deep inside me, with the intention of breeding me. This of course is a fantasy. I am in my mid 50s and can’t be bred, I am post menopausal. But for him it feels real, a sign of his love for me. To me, it is ok, because if I had known him earlier in my life, there is a good chance I would have wanted a baby with him. 

This isn’t all about him though, he will still make me orgasm. His fingers will still be caressing me and his cock will rub against my piercing. But he will want his orgasm to occur with his cock deep in my vagina. I love when that happens, partly because it is less common. But also it feels like sex that is born of love not just dominance and submission. There is glory for both in that moment 

Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

5 thoughts on “Power and glory”

  1. We have different kinds of sex too… or rather, when our D/s is ‘on’, we do. I actually love both kinds a lot 🙂
    Like you, I cannot have babies anymore but once Master T said if we had met each other when we were 20 years younger, he would have wanted to have kids with me.

    Rebel xox

  2. We mainly have sex for sex – sometimes that is with him being dominant sometimes it’s just us having sex. Occasionally we have love-sex 😉 I find that difficult because it just feels more intimate. Loved how you have described the difference in your post. x

  3. I love this glimpse into the very intimate space that is sex between two individuals…showing how deeply intimate it can be, either way, but (perhaps?) even more so when there is love involved as well.

  4. Thank you, it is interesting that while I had recognised different kinds of sex, I hadn’t really thought about him doing so. Which is obviously very remiss. I think you are right Jade, this does show deep intimacy, plus the fact we can discuss this stuff is wonderful. That wasn’t my life before!

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