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Sex is Life

1. Is your sex life more fantasy or reality?

While we have our fantasies, sex for us is real. After quite some time where one or other of us felt unable to initiate sex we are enjoying a very active sex life. With just a month to go before we are living together full time, this can only improve.

2. If you could hook-up with a past lover (with no repercussions or regret), who would it be and why? (No need to use real names just briefly describe the person and their relationship to you.)

I have no inclination or need to hook up with anyone else. While those lovers gave me some interest and excitement at the time, nothing now would compare. I am not being nice, romantic, or anything else. I just don’t want or need anyone else at the moment.

3. You can only indulge in one of the following sex acts for the rest of your life, which would you choose to enjoy?
a. oral sex, only giving
b. 69
c. oral sex, only receiving
d. mutual masturbation

Probably 69. Best to both give and receive in my opinion!

4. With each lover do you pay attention to what they want or do you have a repertoire that you stick to when having sex?

I love Him to take the lead. I don’t have my own repertoire. But, I will happily take the lead if the situation is right. It tends not to be at all planned, but completely spontaneous.

5. Do you initiate sex for healthful benefits, e.g., to sleep better or relieve pain?

Orgasms help me sleep, so I am happy to lead the way for a good night sleep. However, that is more likely to happen when I am on my own, using one of my toys. Sex for it’s own sake with Master is perfectly good.

Bonus: Do you understand the clitoris?

I understand my own, but not the clitoris in general. What is better is that he understands my clit. In fact he knows it better than I do.


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