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Blogging A-Z 2018: C

This is the third year that I have participated in Blogging A-Z. This year i am going to try to make my topics a little more mainstream. They will, however clearly link to kink and may on occasion be NSFW.

C is for Collar

My collar is a key symbol of my role as submissive and slave to Master. It is a constant reminder that he is my Owner and my Lord.

I am not the easiest person to be the Master of, because I am not scared of giving my view and often this comes across as ‘being bratty’. Something Master is often telling me. I aspire to be a better slave, but can’t help but say things that get me into trouble.

But wearing a locked collar, one that needs a key to unlock it, helps. It reminds me of who I am as it rests there against my collar bone. Made of titanium, my collar looks heavier than it is but I can always feel it. Sometimes the back of my neck becomes unbearably warm and I swivel the collar round to cool me down. This is very useful for the menopausal woman, which of course is what I am. I rarely remove it and since it doesn’t set off any alarms at the airport it stays in place even then.

Very few people know the significance of the collar, but they do admire it. Only when we are out and about with lifestyle people, such as at a munch do people know it’s meaning. I love that the people I encounter at such events know that I am Master’s property. And that makes me feel proud and also it helps with my submission.

My collar is a very important part of me and of our relationship.

2 thoughts on “Blogging A-Z 2018: C”

  1. Completely agree about the collar, mine is very discreet, looking like it is, a Pandora charm locket, BUT to us it’s my collar, only Master takes it off if I’m dying my hair or going out so wearing other jewellery but I ask if I can do that first. I’d love a collar like yours but Master likes our lifestyle to be kept private. X

    1. The interesting thing is that people don’t actually know what my collar means. They are used to seeing me wear it now and friends and family have never asked about it. The only people to remark are my hairdresser and people at work.

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