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Thoughts on my blog, sex and coffee

The blog

Thank goodness I have now pretty much sorted out the blog. Losses mainly amount to a few posts and a lot of lovely comments. But lesson learned and time to move on. There is still some blog tagging to do, but no hurry with that. It has made me think however, about posts, pages and writing in general as I move forward.

The Smut Marathon, which I haven’t written about until now, is giving me cause to question my writing style. Over time, people have commented on and praised my direct style of writing. This has emerged over time, I think, because the papers I produce for work need to be like that. Too much story telling and narrative is not really required or wanted. This gives me a problem when it comes to detail for fiction, or even to be honest factual blog posts.

Back to the Smut Marathon which has now reached the second voting round. Without going into any detail (which is not allowed), I have made some observations about writing style. I am in awe of those able to produce such wonderful erotic flash fiction. The level of detail some people achieve in 100 words is fantastic and also very hot. It gives me something to work on, but makes me question my own writing style. Often, even factual posts are short on detail, mainly because I write in something of a hurry. But also because I tend to forget stuff. Something I think, to do with my personality type – get in there, get to the point and get out kind of stuff. But this whole experience is causing me to reflect and take stock. Even if I don’t get through to the next round, I will continue to take something from the experience.

Page updates

I managed to retrieve the pages on my previous blog. These are mainly about me, and my previous and current relationships. I have been sex / relationship blogging for 5 years next month, so this is the right time for a page review. I have had to strip out many links from the pages because they don’t work any more. But I know Master likes these because it helps him gauge where I and indeed we are going relationship wise. Therefore I am going to reorder the pages and start something new for this year onwards. We really (at last) are getting to the point where final preparations are taking place for us to move in together.

Sex and coffee

Apologies to Marie But this next bit will be my attempt to incorporate this post into this week’s Wicked Wednesday prompt.

There was a time when I had pretty much given up coffee. At the beginning of the day, I would drink green tea. After all it is meant to be good for you. Unsatisfying, but purifying and good for you. Before I met Master, and having given up instant coffee, I would rarely drink a cup of filter coffee. This would usually have been bought in a shop. Over the past 4 years though I have increasingly enjoyed that coffee at home in the mornings. I doubt I would give it up now, whatever the health benefits of an alternative. I especially like coffee  at his place, since he bought a proper bean to cup machine. That coffee is to die for.

Added to that, is the fact that our sex life generally occurs in the mornings (something I have written about quite a lot). It is not the coffee that makes us have sex, nor vice versa. But the thought of good coffee persuades us out of bed after sex. Leading, in my mind to an association between the two.

I love sex with him, and I love his coffee machine and I love him. Excellent reasons for moving in!

Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

6 thoughts on “Thoughts on my blog, sex and coffee”

  1. I think the Smut Marathon is challenging for everyone, in different ways. Stepping outside of our comfort zones is required for growth of any kind; that you are learning from the process means you are succeeding — it’s not easy!

  2. The Smut Marathon is definitely not an easy challenge, but I hope that you have already learned something from it, if only that your direct writing style is appreciated by many 🙂

    Rebel xox

  3. It is so lovely to have partners change small things about your life like enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning… and to always have positive associations with a food or object because of a partner!

  4. Pingback: Looking back at 2018 - Masters Pleasing Bitch

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