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TMI Tuesday: February 20 2018

I Need My Space

1. Do you think that fate or destiny play a role in love?
a. Absolutely
b. For the most part
c. Somewhat
d. Not really
e. Not at all

I am not romantic or superstitious in this kind of thing at all. But something has made the the events of the past few years happen. Firstly meeting S and learning what I did and didn’t want from a BDSM / kink relationship and then meeting Master. What we have is something I didn’t for one minute imagine I would get and I know it is the same for him.

2. True or False – If my sexual likes and dislikes are not in line with my partners, I change them.

False – I was married for 30 years (and in a relationship much longer) with a man with whom I had little in common sexually. It was impossible to change him and indeed, I was wrong to try to do so.

I would rather be celibate than have that happen again. Master knows what makes me tick and vice versa.

3. You and your partner are at a party. Both of you are equally acquainted with the hosts and the other people attending, although you aren’t the best of pals with any of the guests, you have conversed with them on a few occasions. During the socializing, what would you most likely do?
a. I’d stay glued to my partner’s side, conversing with the same people he/she is.
b. I’d be away from my partner, mingling with the other guests.
c. I’d stay near my partner, but involved in different conversations.
d. I spend some time by my partner’s side, and some time mingling.
e. I let my partner drift or stick by me – as she/he wishes.

It’s odd really. I am actually quite extroverted and he introverted. But he is much better than me at socialising with strangers. When I know people I am different and then am happy to ‘work the room’ as it were.

4. Have you ever gone through your partner’s journal, diary or personal letters?
a. Yes – I‘ve read it/them from A to Z.
b. Yes – I’ve read some of it/them.
c. I know where she/he keeps them but I haven’t read any.
d. I know where she/he keeps them – I couldn’t help but look – but I haven’t read any.
e. No – I don’t know where she/he keeps them, and I have no intention of looking.
f. No – I don’t know she/he keeps them, even though I’ve looked.

None of the above. I know he has personal things, but I really am not interested in finding them or looking. If he leaves things lying around I look as he does at my stuff. But neither of us go snooping. 

5. Have you ever had a romantic partner go through your journal, diary, personal letters or text messages without your permission? How did you feel? What did you do?

Yes, my husband, soon to be ex. Trust is very important and I would never trust him again.

Bonus:  What makes you feel loved?

Being able to Trust my partner. Plus knowing that I am his priority as a person. Then the fact I know he wants and fancies me and lastly that he tells me and I know he means it. 


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

1 thought on “TMI Tuesday: February 20 2018”

  1. Pingback: Looking back at 2018 - Masters Pleasing Bitch

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