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#SoSS No. 2

It’s been a busy couple of weeks so, while November was much better in terms of writing and posting, there is room for improvement. It has now been confirmed that rather than happening before Christmas, mum will move on 12th January. This means that the pressure is off and I will have more time for me and us in the run up to Christmas. I have loads of ideas for blog posts and want to join in on writing something for the Eroticon Anthology. I just need to crack on and devote time to getting things done. Now though onto the purpose of this post – #SoSS (Share our Shit Saturday) No 2.

MPB’s picks of the week

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to go through the writings of a sister who passed away a year ago. A wrote some amazing stuff on the blog she shared with M. I am so thankful that M is sharing some of A’s early work with us. I was particularly struck by this amazing postthis week by Cammies On The Floor.

The Smut Marathon is something I would love to participate in, but am not sure I have the talent for. This is a 10 round writing marathon, which is being run and hosted by Marie Rebelle from Rebel’s notes. Probably time to just go for it!

Just as I was thinking about what posts to include, Molly from Molly’s Daily Kiss published this years Top 100 Sex Blog for 2017. I was thrilled to see that Kayla Lords is in top spot. Well deserved placings too for so many of my favourite bloggers. Maybe too, inspiration to actually write more so that some day I get nominated for something like this.

Mean time it also means that I can go and read some new blogs, since I don’t know everyone in the list. More material for next week’s post too!


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