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Blogging A-Z Challenge: L

Last year I wrote about limits, love and lust. Having read it back, it is one of those posts that on reading again makes you glad you keep a blog. What about this year though? This year, L is for labia

L is for labia

This is not an area of my body that I had given much thought to. Partly because you can’t really see your own labia very easily without a mirror. Master though is very interested in inspecting all aspects of his property. That includes the inner and outer folds of the vulva, as well as my clitoris. According to this cosmopolitan article the labia majora are 7-12cm in length and the inner, labia minora 2-10. Who measures their labia? Obviously mainly people who read cosmopolitan magazine. I’ve never measured mine, but suspect they are longer than most. The outer labia have also been stretched from time to time with weighted clamps. Surprisingly this doesn’t hurt particularly and I find that it makes the inner labia and clitoris more sensitive.

It would be great, I think to get my inner labia pierced, a nice accompaniment to my clitoral hood piercing. I suspect this would be a painful procedure, but probably worth it. I really do need to get around to having it done rather than talking about it.

Comment from Dayliacatt

I highly recommend inner and outer labia piercing. I got mine done Sept last year, a ring in inner on either side and a bigger ring on the outer. I’ve got another 4 i will be getting done this next wk, so i will have 3 on each outer labia. I love being padlocked closed, i love them being pulled, the inners hurt like mad.

The outers hurt a lot but after it was done they didn’t really hurt, they were uncomfortable for a bit, took about 6 wks to heal properly but i love mine.and they have stretched a bit now.

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