As February photofest enters its last weekend for this year, I am running a little short of photos. Well if the truth be known, I need to take more photos and to do so require ideas. Perhaps next year, instead of answering dull questions during January I could actually plan for February; there’s a challenge for me.So this photo was taken in June 2014, not long after we had met. We were out for the day in a beautiful country park. I was dressed as He likes me to during the summer and it was a lovely warm day. In this photo, as you can see, I am perched on a picnic table in a not dissimilar way to an event that was previously reported on my blog and which He had read about (but wasn’t involved in). The outcome was different, as this was just a photo opportunity, but to be honest this kind of exposure is enough for me anyway.

This image has never appeared here before, I lifted it from Master’s blog.  I may need to take one or two more, unless we get our act together over the weekend, which is always possible!