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365 Questions – day 32

What is your favourite piece of art you own?

I don’t own a lot of art work. Call it lack of opportunity, money and generally time to think abut art in the home. but these I like…….

It’s not straight but I photographed it as it is. This is the little town in France where I have my apartment. I fully expect my ex to claim this when we divide our stuff since it was him who bought it and I know he likes it too. But I will just go out and buy something similar. 

This is a small part of my glasses and other nicknack cabinet. The cat also serves as a candle holder and was bought for me by a patient when I left my last job as a frontline nurse. The glasses behind are locally made and were a wedding present from a neighbour I had known my whole life when I married. The mug was from my ex husbands grandma (will also be claimed I expect) from the silver jubilee of 1935. The bottle behind a gin bottle from Amsterdam.

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